Jun 29Liked by David Swindle 🟦

Joe Biden is a corrupt, demented pervert, and his political career should have concluded on January 21, 2017.

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deletedJun 29
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Donald Trump was the best POTUS of our lifetimes, who was overthrown by a Coronavirus/BLM/Uniparty coup d'état (including the January 6, 2021 Fedsurrection in The Capitol).

Jold Biden serves as a fig leaf, thinly disguising pharmaceutical-gllobalist-fascism's reign over The United States.

Naturally, I'd prefer that Trump (or Kennedy) to be the next POTUS, but I don't get passionate about how to prevent a Democrat from becoming the next POTUS.

P.S. Have a nice day.

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Not just drop out, he should step down from the presidency right now. Immediately. He’s clearly not up to the task.

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I wouldn’t let him or Trump babysit my kids or work at my bookstore for fear they’d mess up, and if that bar can’t be passed, then they’re def not suitable for leading a nation.

Don’t like either of them.

Appreciate that you note both portrayals are fiction.

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You want Kamala Harris as president?

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I’ll take her over those two dudes for sure. I’m ready for a GenX president.

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I'm skeptical that she could win a presidential election, especially against Trump.

It's awfully telling that amidst all the talk for Biden to step down, that Harris hasn't been the clear choice put forward to replace him.

And I think the reason for that is clear: neither Biden nor Harris really got their positions based on merit. Biden was chosen because he was the only "moderate" in the Democratic primary race who could appeal to independents and thus beat Trump, not because he was a particularly great/brilliant leader. He was simply chosen only because he was most likely to beat Trump. And Harris was chosen just to appease the Democrats' left-wing activist base.

The energy was on the Left last election out of horror of Trump. But now the energy is on the Right. The GOP is unified behind that godless, evil, criminal man-child. But now the Democrats are fractured, with the left-wing base and center-left voting mainstream no longer in sync.

But you never know - things could change on a dime in the next few months...

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The Harris choice didn't actually please the activist base of the party because she was a state DA, and always has governed to the right of where she campaigns, which makes her come across as inauthentic to a lot of voters.

Biden chose her because Biden knows her and her husband well I think and has promised to select a black woman as VP. All other good candidates were more interested in climbing the tanks of state power or running for Senate than being VP. Harris was the default.

Biden is only president because he was VP under Obama and this made him well known and electable. He ran a very good primary and general election in 2020.

The Democrats also are risk adverse and insecure since 2016. This is why they are imploding and in-fighting right now. Whatever they do, hopefully it works out well for the country.

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Yep, but I’m not so concerned about her beating Trump. I just think it looks so bad to the rest of the world to have Biden in charge right now. Like get him out. It makes America seem very vulnerable to have him as president.

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"looks so bad" "makes America SEEM"

There is a huge difference between The Image of the man created by media and political campaigns vs The Reality of how the man governs. And most of the time when people say "seems" it means "I feel like." ;-)

A book that's been on my mind a lot lately: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Image:_A_Guide_to_Pseudo-events_in_America

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Optics matter

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Author

Harris as president policy wise wouldn't be much different from Biden. The issue is she has not proven to be a good campaigned aside from beating other Democrats in CA, which isn't a good metric to judge a national politician. She flamed out badly in the primary.

The fact that all these pundits and many problem openly calling for Biden to step down from the campaign are floating other random Democrats that are not the vice president says it all.

Right now the fractured nature of the Democratic coalition is showing. Like many people are optimistic about Biden stepping down and their preferred candidate or some "consensus candidate" coming into save them. Yet it's not immediately apparent such a person exists.

In fact it seems any Biden replacement will immediately cause a disruption and lead to more in-fighting.

If Harris isn't chosen she needs to make it very clear that she supports whomever is chosen or else you are going to have Harris fans(which there are some very dedicated ones) will throw a complete tantrum. The narrative will spin very much out of control fast.

They will likely also need to have an open convention and people will accuse the party of not being "democratic."

If a white guy is chosen they will he accused of racism if a non-white guy is chosen they will he accused of "DEI" or playing "identity politics."

It's a mess if Biden stays in due to the fact that many people won normally support him have called on him to suspend his campaign as well.

No matter what it's a mess. Usually the "The Democrats are in disarray" headlines are hyperbole. Not right now.

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Over Biden? Sure. Let's have a brain in a body over a zombie. I don't like Kamala and would vote against her but we need a president who is not a cadaver.

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"Cadaver" seems a bit of an exaggeration for a man who was just tired and jet-lagged at a debate.

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I don't buy those excuses. They didn't tell us he had a cold until 30 minutes into the debate? Please.

Biden asked for this debate. And no one should be jetlagged 12 days later. We were lied to regarding Bidens health. Face it.

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"The body needs anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to acclimatise to the new time zone – approximately one day for each hour of time zone changes."

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All of this is true. However. Someone who is president shouldn't be letting something like jet lag or tiredness show so much.

Mostly Biden is doing a terrible job making the case for his own re-election. He doesn't seem up for the actual campaign. Maybe he is more up for being the actual president, but not for campaigning. I don't know. Either way it looks bad.

I personally don't care what Democrats do. They just need to do better than this...what they are currently doing.

It might be that a non-Biden candidate does better. That might be an utter disaster. I don't actually know.

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You're kidding. Stop buying the opium. He will lose.

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deletedJun 29
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Oh don't worry about Jeremiah. I've known him for years - he's a good guy. Just much, much more right-wing than I am.

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Jun 29Liked by David Swindle 🟦

Lol. That's more than right wing... that's rabid... but peace be upon him if you say so. 😂 🙏

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deletedJun 29Liked by David Swindle 🟦
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Maybe when I stop laughing about it.

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