Why I Make a Point to Avoid Analyzing or Pontificating on Internal Israeli Politics
Believe it or not there are other countries with even more annoying political cultures and systems of government than our own in America. And the Jewish state is one of them!
Click here to check out the first 30 Installments - Volume I - in this series on Antisemitism and Culture. Among the top 5 most important pieces from this first wave:
What It Means When the Leader of the Republican Party Dines With THREE Antisemites
7 Reasons This Christian Hippie Became a Zealot Against Jew Hatred
This is the fourteenth installment in Volume II, intended as another 30 pieces exploring the many manifestations of Jew Hatred and the issues surrounding it in America and globally. See the previous articles in this new collection below.
Martin Luther King, Jr: An American Hero and Courageous Zionist Voice
Talking to These Students Gave Me Hope in this Dark, Dark World of War and Hate
Why I Don't Expect the Palestinians Will *Ever* Make Peace with Israel and Thus Gain Statehood
The Antisemitism of Ron Paul's Far Right Anarcho-Capitalist Ideological Cult
When Holocaust Trivialization Manifests in the Wrestling World
2 Numbers Which Reveal the Overwhelming Level of Human Devastation Wrought by the Holocaust
The Deep Depths of Ideological Depravity: Comparing the Holocaust to the Covid-19 Vaccine
Unfortunately, Christian Nationalism Is the Normal, Much More Longstanding Version of Christianity
7 Great Counterculture Authors Who Inspire My Writing and Zionist Activism
Why Twitter & Social Media Are Such a Poison Brew of Antisemitism, Hate, Death, and Lies
The Antisemitism of Noam Chomsky's Far Left Anarcho-Syndicalist Ideological Cult
These writings are part of my ongoing effort to overcome my PTSD by forcing myself to try to write and publish something every day commenting on and analyzing current cultural affairs and their impacts on politics, faith, and, well, everything. “Politics is downstream from culture,” the late Andrew Breitbart popularized among conservative bloggers while he was alive. I’d go a step further: Everything is downstream from culture. The cultures you embrace determine who you are and who you become. You become what you worship.
One of my favorite Zionists I follow on Twitter made a point the other day I agreed with which I thought warranted a brief post to address in greater depth:

Especially in my editorial work for The Algemeiner over the last few years and some in the years prior I’ve gotten to take a closer look at the internal politics of Israel and come to one particular conclusion: oh dear Lord what a mess! What an even more confusing and dysfunctional arrangement than ours here in America!
I honestly just despise “parliamentary democracies” and the political cultures they produce. The way there are so many different parties - of often wildly different ideologies - and they have to come together in coalitions which are in danger of splitting apart, causing a need for new elections and potentially a new head of government at any time. I mean come on, how weird is it that Israel has both Islamist parties and Haredi parties? Here in America the divide between the Democrats’ far left progressive wing and the Republicans’ far right populist-nationalist wing seems pretty profound, but it’s nothing compared to Israel’s ideological divides. Politics is downstream from culture, as this series so regularly proclaims, and I guess one could simply argue that the range of cultures in Israel is more deeply divided, even though they only have 9.4 million compared to our 331.9 million.
Honestly, I’ve come to the decision that I just don’t particularly want to take sides or pick a favorite party or invest myself at all in any of Israel’s politicians. It’s not my country, I only have a moderate grasp of the complexities of its political culture and internal cultural rivalries, so I’m just going to leave it to my Israeli friends and colleagues to pontificate on those subjects for themselves. One thing I’ve learned pretty clearly from my years in political writing and activism: if you haven’t seriously invested time in studying a subject deeply then just shut your damn mouth about it. Don’t embarrass yourself when people who know more can run circles around you.
Recall what I laid out in my post defining what Zionism means to me as an American Gentile:
For me Zionism is a broad endeavor going well beyond the state of Israel. It is an ideology and cause no longer just about establishing and defending a Jewish state. In the work I and other Zionist activists do, at this point it’s really expanded to combating antisemitism globally, not exclusively in the Middle East. And that task in and of itself is more than enough to keep me busy without having to wade into the mess of Israel’s parties, personalities, and parliamentary BS.
I’ll focus on defending the Jewish people in broad, at the global level, and with a particular emphasis on antisemitism’s manifestations in my own country. I leave to Israelis to determine which parties, domestic policies, and politicians are best to lead them and defend their nation.
Does that sound reasonable, my Israeli friends? Or do I as an American Zionist really need to start spending time untangling this stuff too?
I propose this to you, David. The only two countries that matter in the world today are the USA and Israel. Yes, the big satan and the little satan. Pure evil, as is found in the Iranian leadership, knows its adversaries. Politics are a side-show, and upstream culture is neutered. A moral imperative propels both nations from the start until eternity: that life is the Good, life is the Holy, and thus must be cherished and preserved. Nothing else matters anywhere on the Earth. Politics are important, but not too important. The haughtiness of both sides of Israeli politics when just eeking out a victory in elections is despicable to me. Shallowness. Did I say shallowness? You know all about that in the politics of your country (yes, on both sides).
A manifest destiny unites our countries. It will be played out on a level far higher than politics or culture. On that plane the Indiana of your dreams and nightmares will be redeemed. It is happening now; we do not see because we are attuned to evil and darkness.
Israel must renew the covenant of Sinai. It can only happen through free choice; those astray must return willfully, and cannot be coerced.