PIIZAPS: The 7 Primary Publishing Principles for God of the Desert Books
We aren't your normal new media company.
This is the 30th installment of the “Axis of Genocide” series at this Zionist Substack, the successor to the “Antisemitism and Culture” series which can be read in two 30-essay collections here and here.
This is the series conclusion. Two new series on antisemitism will launch later this month.
This series documented and analyzed the antisemitic genocidal war waged against Israel by the Hamas terrorist group and its primary supporter, the Islamic regime in Iran. The accomplices in this attempt at a second Holocaust — Vladimir Putin’s criminal-gangster state in Russia and the authoritarian regime in China — came in for scrutiny and loud condemnation, as did the non-state actors supporting them, particularly the international Muslim Brotherhood propaganda network, and radical activists of both the far left and the far right. You can find a list of previous installments at the end of this post. Thank you for your support.
This is the 90th post I have published at this Substack in a three-part series of 30 essays each about the threat of antisemitic individuals, terrorist groups, and genocidal slave states. Don’t worry: we’re going to start varying things up more in future series and quit being so consistently dreary. As much as I’m eager to shine a spotlight on the world’s evils, don’t think that I haven’t thought as much about solutions, too.
The principles which I regard as important for defeating the genocidal slave states oppressing a sizable portion of humanity undergird what we’re seeking to do here with this small group of writers putting out our books.
God of the Desert Books is a unique publishing group, created to thrive and innovate in the rapidly evolving 21st century book-publishing space. We seek books across a variety of genres and styles, written by authors who align to varying degrees with the values of our leadership team and our growing pool of authors. We are not publishing strictly to turn a profit, but to advocate for freedom, human rights, and cross-cultural collaboration. While GOTD has been launched as a for-profit business for the time being, we hope to eventually transform into a 501(c)(3) nonprofit publisher, so that our book publishing and corresponding activist efforts can be supplemented by tax-deductible donations.
This book-publishing and media-creation company functions based on seven primary moral and ethical principles symbolized in the logo of our endeavor: the Pi symbol infused with a lightning bolt. The purpose of this symbol is to reflect the seven primary values of this publishing company.
The symbol stands for PIIZAPS, a name we once considered for the company itself, but have chosen instead to use for our defining manifesto here. The letters stand for:
Psychedelic Independent International Zionist Artists’ Publishing Society
These principles break down in the following way to define what we are doing here:
I am a hippie living out in the Mojave Desert, guarded by ancient, spiky Joshua trees on all sides, seeking to speak directly to the God of Israel so that I may do His Will in the tradition of the Hebrew prophets.
“The God of Israel is a God of the Desert.”
This publishing company is a direct result of traumatic violence which I have experienced at multiple times during my life. I've sought to treat it for the last 25 years through a combination of Judeo-Christian mysticism, the Western Occult tradition, workaholism, radical ideologies, Zionist activism, psychiatric drugs, psychotherapy, moving to the desert, and a neo-hippie lifestyle informed by the wisdom gained through psychedelic therapies.
The insights of these traditions and experiences guide the book-publishing and Zionist-activist ambitions at God of the Desert Books.
The root of antisemitism is the same as the ultimate root for all hate: trauma, which in turn leads to fear, which leads to irrationality: an inability to determine truth from lies. People who hate Jews actually fear Jews. And they do so as a way of avoiding effectively, responsibly healing the trauma in their own lives.
The use of so-called "psychedelic" substances such as LSD, psilocybin, and Ketamine - to which I would also add cannabis and Amanita Muscaria - to treat so-called "mental illness" such as the affliction I struggle with, post-traumatic stress disorder, has been known since the 1950s. Psychedelic experimenters like Robert Anton Wilson wrote about it in "fringe" books published at obscure presses in the 1970s. But by the 2010s, these ideas were starting to go mainstream, supported by scientific research in books like Michael Pollan's How to Change Your Mind.
But the therapeutic effects of a variety of chemicals is not the only way to treat trauma. Innumerable non-drug methods work just as well, and they are the ones championed by this publisher: art, culture, collaboration across ideological borders, and especially an inter-faith spirituality based in the insights of Jewish mysticism.
The dreams of the 1960s are still alive at GOTD, but they are tempered by the wisdom of history and a vision of today with both - or rather, all - “eyes” wide open.
Independent International
GOTD is unapologetically American, guided by the principles of the Founding Era, the wisdom of the founding fathers, and the God-given rights enshrined in the Constitution.
John Adams is held up here with a special place of honor. He was the greatest of the Founding Fathers.
Further, we insist that the rights guaranteed in our founding documents apply to all humans across the planet. The Revolution of 1776 has not yet concluded. It must be distributed globally. All states which oppress the human rights of their people and fail to represent the democratic will of their citizens must have their governments overthrown and their states rewritten with America as the primary model.
Yes, I’m talking about Russia, China, and Iran — the nations labeled in this series as the Axis of Genocide — as well as their junior partner states Turkey, North Korea, and Qatar. But they are hardly the only tyrannical regimes on the planet: they're simply the most dangerous at the moment.
As such, at GOTD we seek to collaborate with writers, artists, and activists in all countries around the planet who share these principles of freedom. We will bring together people of diverse cultures and ideologies across international boundaries to create art together.
GOTD does not support either the Democratic or Republicans parties, nor does it align with the Left or the Right. It welcomes both moderate liberals and moderate conservatives to collaborate together. Those on the far left, far right, and aggressive activists of these traditions can fuck off. They have their own publishers already. Radicals and extremists are not wanted here.
In the 1800s, Zionism meant dreaming of the Jewish state. In the 1900s, Zionism meant building the Jewish state. In the 2000s, Zionism means rising up to defeat all enemies of both the Jewish state and the Jewish people.
I have previously described a Zionism informed by Psychedelic wisdom as boiling down to two words:
This means in practice:
Antisemitic governments must be overthrown.
Antisemitic terrorist groups must be dismantled.
Antisemitic criminals must be imprisoned.
Antisemitic ideologies must be refuted.
Antisemitic activists must be exposed.
Antisemitic media must be de-platformed.
Antisemitic politicians must be defeated at the ballot box.
The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA)’s working definition of antisemitism should be adopted by all governments and organizations.
This publication is dedicated to achieving these activist objectives at a global level.
Additionally, the Torah-based values which undergird Zionism should be a central part of one’s morality. This company values the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic traditions especially, seeking to nurture friendship and cultural exchange between all three religious traditions, while also welcoming those of other religions and secularist views to participate also.
Artists’ Publishing Society
GOTD seeks to promote and encourage art in all mediums and to bring together creatives from across the globe, with an emphasis on uniting those of Abrahamic faiths to collaborate. Fiction, poetry, film, painting, music, video games, YouTube videos – all can express the beauty, power, and horror of the human experience. Our publishing company will seek to celebrate and lift up all art forms. Everyone involved should understand themselves as an artist.
We pursue these objectives through coming together as a small society of artists working across mediums striving to publish books and release other products inspired by them.
We understand books - nonfiction, novels, poetry - as our primary goal, each participant striving to write more and better for as long as we can.
We are a society. We are people across generations, cultures, religions, national boundaries, and ideologies coming together to create culture and model how a free society can create powerful work that can aid in the healing of trauma and the promotion of recognizing our shared humanity.
God of the Desert Books is more a friendly group of independent contractors working together on shared projects than a traditional publishing company dictating downwards to authors, editors, and artists. We are friends collaborating together on books, media, and products.
We welcome you to join us. Read here to learn more about how:
The previous pieces in the “Axis of Genocide” series:
Mainstream Political Positions Argued in Extreme Ways: A Manifesto of Sorts
The Vicious Vladimir Putin Is a Disgusting Antisemite Who Is Helping Hamas
Ayaan Hirsi Ali's Conversion to the Wrong Christianity for the Wrong Reasons
A Huge Collection of Statistics That Reveals Americans' Ignorance and Moral Confusion Today
5 Doubts and Fears About the Future Upon Turning 40 This Week
Vladimir Putin Is a War Criminal and Mass Murderer Propped Up by Evil Narcissists
Hamas Says It Does Not Know Where the Hostages Are Or Who Is Alive
Both Left-Wing and Right-Wing People Are Missing the Threat of TikTok
Hamas Releases Video of Hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin Missing His Left Hand
The Illuminati: Origins, Goals, Accomplishments, and Our Next Targets
A Map to Understand the Muslim Brotherhood's Maze of Malevolent Front Groups
Click here to read Volume 1 of the “Antisemitism and Culture” series and volume 2 here. Five of the most important installments from this series for better understanding this Substack’s approach to fighting hate include: