This is the 18th installment of the new “Axis of Genocide” series at this Zionist Substack, the successor to the “Antisemitism and Culture” series which can be read in two 30-essay collections here and here.
This new series will document and analyze the antisemitic genocidal war waged against Israel by the Hamas terrorist group and its primary supporter, the Islamic regime in Iran. The accomplices in this attempt at a second Holocaust — Vladimir Putin’s criminal-gangster state in Russia and the authoritarian regime in China — will also come in for scrutiny and loud condemnation, as will the non-state actors supporting them, particularly the international Muslim Brotherhood propaganda network, and radical activists of both the far left and the far right. Other evil states and terrorist groups will also receive scrutiny. You can find a list of previous installments at the end of this post. Thank you for your support.
Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day, and it seems so strange to consider it as a single day, when to me it seems more like a Normal Day.
The ghost of Adolf Hitler joins me for coffee every day. I'll be sitting there, minding my own business, trying to get a caffeine jolt to really get moving, and then there he'll be, demanding an update on what "his people" are doing today.
He's an unwelcome guest, of course, but what am I going to do? Throw him out? Pick up one of my magic wands and try to summon an angel to cast him down into hell? It wouldn't make any difference, he'd just show up again the next morning, insisting on another cup and the day's news on where new swastikas have been carved, which neighborhoods had “Goyim Defense League” leaflets dropped in them, and especially what his followers in the Middle East are doing. He was so excited on the morning of Oct. 7.
Every day is Holocaust Remembrance Day.
It seems so strange, too, to look back over a year ago to when I first got into this new profession of writing about antisemitism Every. Single. Day. But Adolf was there too. It began with Kanye West singing his praises for weeks.
My new editor had grown weary with having to write about Ye's antics so often, so I volunteered. Every new bit of Kanye news became a new freelance article. And soon it became clear that any major antisemitism-related news could become a story to write.
And so it only took a few months of freelancing on the "antisemitism beat" before they offered me a full-time position to write about it for 40 hours a week.
So now, since May, it's become an all-day preoccupation: what are the most horrible antisemitic things happening around the world today? What are the major things happening related to antisemitism's effects? Maybe there's been a new research finding about the Holocaust. Perhaps a great painting has just been returned to the descendants of the Jewish collector Nazis stole it from during the 1930s. I still write about more general and positive Jewish-related stories - a new president of a Jewish nonprofit, a star Jewish player on some high school sports team; a Kosher deli that has gotten an influx of new customers because of a single TikTok video recommendation. Still, probably about 80% or so of the brief news articles I write have to do with antisemitic crimes, statements, activism, wars, legal cases, legislation, and so on.
Every day, I track as many news stories as possible, getting daily news alerts on such keywords as "Nazi," "Hate crime," "Adolf Hitler," "Swastika," "Islamist," "BDS," "Roger Waters," "Ilhan Omar," and of course, that fucking son of a bitch, "Kanye."
Yes, I got this job by writing about Kanye West. And now I have to keep track of all the news stories about this massively evil monster of a man.
Adolf especially laughs out loud when he's reading over my shoulder about Kanye. It just amuses him to no end to see a Black man inspiring new generations to become little Nazis.
Most people who believe in Heaven and Hell in any sort of literal sense are probably certain that if anyone is burning alive, tortured by demons for eternity, it would be Hitler, right?
Well, I've got some bad news to share with everyone. I am an occultist, a mystic, and a wizard. The rituals we perform can and do literally allow for communications with all sorts of spirits, many of them evil and dangerous. Ghosts are quite real, and the planet is filled with them.
Adolf Hitler is one of them. And it makes sense. Why would he want to move on when the show he started is just beginning?
Every morning is Christmas morning for Hitler's ghost. Every day he delights in seeing his teachings spread, in more people coming to discover the truth about "the Jews," in seeing his fucking memoir discovered, translated into Arabic, in Gaza.
And so every day, as I drink my coffee all day, the stories come in of the history of the Holocaust past, those idolizing it today, and the bloody fighting to implement the Holocaust of tomorrow.
Adolf's ghost will continue to show up each morning demanding his coffee. Then he'll proceed to ridicule and taunt me throughout the day. Perhaps he, too, is another who has mistaken me for being Jewish when I am not. I wonder if this is just something he does - traveling around, trying to harass and scare the descendants of those he tried to murder. The ones that got away.
I suspect that Hitler's ghost isn't going anywhere. He's going to stick around with his popcorn, sitting back and watching the show, rooting for his team to finish what he started.
And you know what? I'm fine with him hanging around each morning and delighting in the news he hears about his people in action. Because the longer he sticks around here, the more we can see the world through the misty haze of who he was and what he did. Only through seeing the world through the cursed lens his life provides can we have any hope of finally winning this war.
Never Fucking Again.
Fuck you Adolf, fuck you Kanye, fuck you Vladimir, fuck you Ismail. The war you started is just beginning, and you will lose. Again.
“The God of Israel is a God of the Desert.”
The previous pieces in the “Axis of Genocide” series:
Mainstream Political Positions Argued in Extreme Ways: A Manifesto of Sorts
The Vicious Vladimir Putin Is a Disgusting Antisemite Who Is Helping Hamas
Ayaan Hirsi Ali's Conversion to the Wrong Christianity for the Wrong Reasons
A Huge Collection of Statistics That Reveals Americans' Ignorance and Moral Confusion Today
Click here to read Volume 1 of the “Antisemitism and Culture” series and volume 2 here. Ten of the most important installments from this series for better understanding this Substack’s approach to fighting hate include:
7 Reasons This Christian Hippie Became a Zealot Against Jew Hatred
2 Numbers Which Reveal the Overwhelming Level of Human Devastation Wrought by the Holocaust
7 Great Counterculture Authors Who Inspire My Writing and Zionist Activism
How to Revive King & Heschel's Black & Jewish Anti-Racism Prophetic-Activist Partnership
This is a great piece and I think it’s a reality that a lot of Jewish people live with.